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Schriftzug "Sprachsynthese"

Speech synthesis, often referred to as text-to-speech (TTS), converts text into spoken language. Modern technologies, powered by artificial intelligence, enable realistic human voices. From assistive technologies to navigation systems, learn how speech synthesis is shaping the digital world.

What is speech synthesis?

Speech synthesis, often referred to as text-to-speech (TTS), is a fascinating field of artificial intelligence (AI) that deals with the conversion of text into spoken language. In today's digital world, speech synthesis has found numerous applications, from assisting people with visual impairments to improving the user experience in various technology products.

In a nutshell

  • Speech synthesis is the artificial generation of human speech.
  • Modern TTS systems use advanced neural networks.
  • The technology has numerous practical applications in today's digital world.

What is speech synthesis?

Speech synthesis is the artificial generation of human speech. A computer program or system that performs this function is called a speech synthesizer. The technology has advanced considerably in recent years, with modern systems capable of producing extremely realistic human voices.

History and development

The first attempts to develop machines capable of producing human speech date back to the 18th century. A notable early device was the "Voder", which was developed in the 1930s and is considered one of the first speech synthesizers.

With the advent of computers and advanced software in the 1960s and 1970s, the real revolution in speech synthesis began. However, early computer-based speech synthesizers were often robotic and unnatural in sound.

In recent years, especially with the rise of neural networks and deep learning, the quality of speech synthesis has increased significantly. Modern TTS systems can produce voices that are almost indistinguishable from real human voices.

Technical basics

A speech synthesizer essentially works by breaking down a given text into phonemes (the smallest units of speech) and then using these phonemes to generate spoken words. This is often done using recordings of real human voices, which are broken down into tiny parts and then reassembled based on the text.

Modern TTS systems often use neural networks, especially recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and transformer architectures, to optimize the speech synthesis process.

Key components Description of the system
Text analysis Breaks the text into phonemes and syllables.
Acoustic models Determine how the phonemes should sound.
Speech output Generates the actual spoken language based on the acoustic models.

Applications and advantages

Speech synthesis has a variety of applications in the modern world:

  • Assistive technologies: Helps people with visual or speech impairments.
  • Navigation systems: Gives voice instructions to drivers or pedestrians.
  • E-learning: Facilitates learning through spoken content.
  • Entertainment: In video games, movies and more.

A key benefit of speech synthesis is its ability to make content more accessible, especially for people with disabilities. It can also improve the user experience in many technology products.

Während die Spracherkennung darauf abzielt, gesprochene Sprache in Text umzuwandeln, tut die Sprachsynthese das Gegenteil: Sie wandelt Text in gesprochene Sprache um.

Dank der Fortschritte in der KI und im maschinellen Lernen sind moderne TTS-Stimmen oft sehr realistisch und können in vielen Fällen kaum von echten menschlichen Stimmen unterschieden werden.

Viele große Technologieunternehmen, darunter Google, Amazon und Microsoft, haben eigene TTS-Technologien entwickelt und bieten diese als Dienstleistung an.

Further information

We believe that speech synthesis is a fascinating and rapidly developing field that is sure to produce many more innovations in the coming years.


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