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Definition: Resource planning in a project ensures that resources are available at all times during the project.

Resource planning goes hand in hand with time and cost planning and is one of the business basics for techies. There are two planning perspectives to consider:

  • Short-term perspective: resources directly required for the project, e.g. employees, meeting rooms, etc.

  • Long-term perspective: Over the entire life cycle of the product or the change that is to be brought about by the project, e.g. employees who use the product, maintenance, etc.

Even if a solution or measure seems attractive in the short term, you should ensure that the long-term effects do not lead to unforeseen results!

Project resource planning includes various types of resources:

  • Personnel: recording personnel costs, hours or daily rates. It is important to consider vacation, sick leave and absences.

  • Plant and material resources: rooms, equipment, software, internet connection. It is important to consider availability if these resources are also used elsewhere.

  • Investments: Differentiation between investments for the implementation of the project and for the complete life cycle. E.g. server farm

Tools include Excel sheets, Gantt charts and ticket systems.

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