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What does the term DevOps mean?

DevOps is a combination of the words development and IT operations and describes an approach to process optimization through the technical and mental connection of the areas of software development and system administration. DevOps is therefore neither a tool, software nor technology, but rather part of a corporate culture.

Why should you introduce a DevOps culture?

Agile software development is the current method of moving from requirements to usable software. Agile methods are evolving and what started with Scrum is being taken a step further with DevOps and the feedback from users. With a DevOps infrastructure, it is possible to react more quickly to changes (keywords: continuous integration and continuous delivery) thanks to automation and complete versioning of all results and steps.

If you want to use DevOps in your teams, your goals are to speed up development, testing and deployment and to reduce the risks of critical errors in agile software development in order to deliver high-quality software with a short time to market.

How does the DevOps development process work?

The development process is not linear, but circular: after an iteration, there is feedback on the current version. This feedback is recorded and implemented by the developers and then tested. After successful testing, the new version is deployed and monitored. The resulting findings are sent back to the developers in the form of feedback and so on.

How can DevOps be introduced successfully?

Above all, DevOps requires a change of mindset among the various members of a team and the company, as well as knowledge of the needs of development and operations: Where are there overlaps? Where can responsibilities be shared?

The next step is to create the infrastructure: Automation processes between developers and system administrators that facilitate the collaboration and processes of both areas as well as the continuous measurement of application and server performance in order to always be able to react to changes. Automation and versioning processes must be established with the help of DevOps tools, e.g. GitHub, testing systems, etc. This also ensures, for example, that the development and live environments have the same configuration.

Finally, knowledge management is an important factor when it comes to staff turnover in the company. With the help of documentation, new team members can also be deployed directly in the project.

DevOps thus offers the opportunity to increase the efficiency of software developers and the scalability of system administrators for the benefit of the company and the customer.

What DevOps tools are there?

On the one hand, there are tools for version management of code, e.g. Git, CVS or SVN. However, working in a team also requires communication and task management. Examples of tools are Planio, Jira or Asana.

There are now cloud services from providers such as AWS or Azure that offer complete solutions

DevOps plays an important role in arocom's corporate culture:

  • Provision of virtual machines and other DevOps tools for developers
  • Automation of processes such as the deployment pipeline, code quality and security checks
  • Provision and further development of automation scripts in software development with Drupal
  • Development for continuous integration and continuous delivery instead of releases
  • Agile project methods
  • Reuse of existing knowledge for new projects or project phases as well as internal mutual training
  • To strengthen our DevOps team, we are offering an interesting position as DevOps Engineer at arocom.

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