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What is module development?

Module development is about developing more extensive software not monolithically, but on the basis of modules ("assemblies").

The module development approach became increasingly important, particularly in connection with the software crisis in the 1960s. The module development approach originates from the theory of software architecture. A well-known example of a system consisting of modules is the PHP framework Drupal. Modules are primarily used here to elegantly extend the Drupal installation with additional functions.

The primary purpose of module development is the easier development of manageable software parts and the far easier subsequent exchangeability of software functions. Furthermore, module development forms the basis for delegating the development of parts of a software system to several members of a development team. Overall, software development and maintenance costs can be significantly reduced with well thought-out module development.

Further references:

Example module Drupal Views

The following video provides an introduction to module development based on Drupal:

Module development

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