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Monolithische Systeme

Monolithic systems are not a thing of the past, but they are increasingly being replaced by modern architectures such as microservices. This is due to the advantages of microservices, such as better scalability, greater flexibility and easier maintainability.

What does "monolithic" mean?

The term "monolithic" refers to a specific architecture in software development in which all functions and data of an application are developed as a single, coherent whole. This means that all components are stored in a common code base and a common database, which means that the structure of the application can be very complex.

What are monolithic systems in software development?

Monolithic systems are applications that are developed as a single, coherent whole. This means that all functions and data are stored in a common code base and database. This can make it difficult to make changes to one part of the system without affecting the rest of the system, and it can also affect maintenance and scalability.

Are monolithic systems a thing of the past?

Applications consisting of a single, large code block were very common in the past and are still frequently used today. However, there are now other architectural approaches that can have advantages over monolithic systems in certain situations.

One disadvantage of monolithic systems is that they are generally less scalable than other architecture models. If the requirements for a system change or if the system grows, the entire code block must be adapted, which may involve considerable effort. Monolithic systems are also less flexible, as changes to the code often affect the entire application. Therefore, the monolithic approach often requires extensive testing and customization when changes are made, which can slow down software development processes. The deployment of monolithic applications can also be complicated due to the need to deliver the entire application as a single unit. Overall, the monolithic approach is increasingly being replaced by other architectural approaches such as microservices, which allow for easier maintainability, scalability and deployment.

Microservices are replacing monolithic systems in software architecture

In recent years, other architectural approaches have therefore become established, such as microservices, in which the application is divided into small, independent services. These services can be scaled and tested more easily and make it possible to make changes to individual parts of the application without great effort. Microservices also enable better collaboration and distribution of responsibilities within development teams. Monolithic systems may therefore be a thing of the past, as in many cases they are outperformed by other architectural models.

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