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What is a theme?

Definition: A theme is a collection of graphic elements that determine the appearance of user interfaces of operating systems, computer programs and websites. Within a system, a theme forms a self-contained unit that is outsourced and loaded individually. This approach makes it possible to replace the theme with little effort without affecting other functional units of the system.


What is a website theme?

What is the 3-layer model?

How much does a theme cost?

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What is a website theme?

In the web sector, a theme is an interchangeable user interface for a website. Themes can be purchased on the web, some for free, some for a fee. They are available for all major frameworks such as Drupal, Typo3, Wordpress etc..

Most themes are written in PHP. They contain HTML and style sheets(CSS) and thus form the programmed version of simple web design. However, some themes also offer the option of using a custom stylesheet in which, for example, colors or fonts can be adapted.

What is the 3-layer model?

A website is made up of three layers: The data storage layer at the bottom, the logic layer above it and the presentation layer at the top. Themes belong to the presentation layer. All files and content that can be presented are managed in the data management layer. The website operator can change this content in edit mode.

The Logic level manages functions and settings: Role assignment and authorizations for registered users, plugin usage, file management, text editor, widgets and all other settings. (Brief information by the way: A plugin is a function module that can be installed in the framework and thus extends it. Widgets, on the other hand, are small functional elements that are displayed as a content element on the page. Both types are usually optional). The site operator can make all these settings in the backend ("behind the scenes").

Other areas of the logic layer are the comment function, where not only greetings can be left or replies written, but sometimes long discussions and opinion-forming take place. Pingbacks are a special feature of blogs in particular: if a site operator links to a post on another site, a comment is automatically added to their blog article via a pingback, which in turn links to the new post. The pingback function has given rise to entire blog networks.

Free user interfaces in particular are used for simpler websites such as blogs. They contain several templates for the layout. Each template contains the important elements header, body, footer and sidebar, each of which has its own functions: For example, the header contains meta information for search engines: title tag, description, language and subject of the website, but also which CSS stylesheet should be loaded. The footer area displays basic information such as the legal notice, terms and conditions or copyrights. The sidebar usually has the function of making contact or navigating in other ways. The body, on the other hand, contains all the important content of the website.

Some CMS offer to have several themes installed so that you can easily switch between them. To ensure this, it is important that themes as a unit have no structural connection to the logic or data management layer. (Small piece of information: CMS, i.e. content management systems such as Drupal or WordPress, offer you the opportunity to set up your website without programming knowledge and to edit content in articles or other page types).

How much does a theme cost?

There are some free themes on the internet or those that already have many functions and therefore cost a little money. The providers offer user interfaces for WordPress, Drupal, Joomla and other CMS (content management systems) in a demo mode. However, the disadvantage of all free and inexpensive themes is that they are programmed for the masses and not individually for a specific customer requirement. And often more emphasis is placed on the web design than on functionality, with the result that one or other plugin consumes too much storage space with unnecessary files or interferes with other functions.

If you want to start a sophisticated website project, you should therefore contact a web design agency that can also develop websites, i.e. program them. Here you can be sure that every template will meet your requirements.

Further reference:

The following video goes into the underlying idea of theming:

The technical terms are a free service of your internet agency arocom from Stuttgart.

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