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GitLab was developed in 2011 by Dmitriy Zaporozhets and Valery Sizov and has since become one of the most popular options for developers and organizations looking to host, review and deploy code.

What is GitLab?

GitLab is a web-based Git repository manager that provides source code management (SCM), continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines and various collaboration features such as bug tracking.

GitLab provides a complete DevOps platform that streamlines the software development process. GitLab enables developers and teams to host, manage and review code in a single, shared environment. It is a open sourcesolution available under the MIT license, which means that users can freely use, modify and distribute the software without being subject to legal restrictions.

GitLab is available in both self-managed (on-premise) and cloud-based versions, making it a flexible option for organizations of all sizes.

Features and functions of GitLab

GitLab is a comprehensive solution for managing code repositories, automating software builds and deployments, and facilitating collaboration between developers and other stakeholders. This is done using the following functions, for example:

CI/CD pipeline

One of the most important features of GitLab is the integrated CI/CD pipeline. This feature enables developers to test and deploy their applications quickly and efficiently. With GitLab, developers can manage the entire pipeline in one tool, from integration to deployment. They can use an extensive collection of pre-built jobs and configurations or customize their own.

Flexibility and customization market

GitLab also offers greater flexibility and customizability than other platforms like GitHub. Organizations can host their own GitLab instance on their own servers or in their own cloud instance, giving them full control over their data and systems. In addition, users can customize and extend the GitLab platform to their own specific requirements by creating their own applications and extensions.

Multiple repositories

GitLab allows users to have multiple repositories in a project to effectively organize and manage the code.

Version control system

GitLab allows users to manage and monitor the code they write by providing version control. Users can track changes to their code and revert to previous versions if necessary and also with git.

What is the difference to GitHub?

Compared to GitHub, GitLab offers a richer set of DevOps tools and features, including an integrated CI/CD pipeline, project management, code quality tools and much more. In addition, GitLab is more flexible and customizable than GitHub and allows users to host their own GitLab instance to have full control over their data and systems.


Why use GitLab?

The variety of Gitlab features makes it easier for users to manage their code, solve problems and automate their work. As mentioned above, Gitlab software is free to use and modify. This makes it a cost-effective option for companies and individuals looking for a web-based Git repository manager.

Security aspect:

Finally, GitLab also offers a high level of security. The platform offers numerous security features, including the ability to manage access rights to code and data, detect and fix security vulnerabilities, and monitor user activity. This is particularly important for companies that work with sensitive data or need to comply with industry-specific security requirements.

GitLab: The DevOps platform for projects of any size

GitLab is a web-based DevOps platform that helps companies of all sizes to automate and optimize their development and deployment processes. With GitLab, teams can effectively manage their projects using features such as project management, continuous integration and deployment, code quality tools and more.

Practical example:

In Aachen, GitLab is already in use in many companies and organizations, including RWTH Aachen University. RWTH uses GitLab to manage its code repositories and as a central application for its development processes. GitLab offers an easy way to manage access rights and code reviews as well as seamless integration with other tools and services.

GitLab offers different editions, from the Community Edition to the Enterprise Edition, which provide different features and levels of support to meet the needs of developers and organizations.

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