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The essence of documentation is to prepare, structure and preserve information of all kinds for use in the future. Even if documentation is still available in analog form, the total amount of digital material is increasing rapidly. Documentation also plays a particularly important role in private, profit-oriented companies.

The importance of documentation and general "data" is becoming apparent today on the threshold of the transition to the information age. A professionally accompanied documentation process lays the foundation for any success based on the evaluation of information. Thus, documentation concepts, process models and methods are increasingly becoming part of professional training and the content of university courses.

As an internet agency, we attach great importance to the documentation of our analyses, work and results. This starts with the SEO audit and extends to the development of complex modules and the inclusion of all parties involved in a common system.

Further reference:

Good documentation requires good communication. You can find out more about this topic in our article "Dictionary for communication with agencies".

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