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What does headless CMS mean?

Headless CMS is a content management system that works without its own theme layer. The backend and frontend are therefore separate from each other. The backend contains the system and one or more databases and is more like a content repository. The frontend and backend can even be located on different servers. The decoupling of the systems also increases security, as the backend system cannot be identified and attacked as easily.

How can the content of the headless CMS be used?

To retrieve content from the headless CMS, it provides an interface/API so that others can retrieve the content programmatically. REST API, GraphQL or JSON:API are often used, but some headless CMS providers also use their own developments. One advantage of using APIs is that data can be retrieved dynamically at any time as required, making an export/import routine superfluous.

Where are headless CMS used?

Whenever content needs to be accessible via various platforms, devices or media, a headless CMS is the ideal solution. Content only has to be created or set up once and is available for different applications. How it is displayed can then be customized for each platform/system.

In addition to websites, there are an increasing number of devices that have an internet connection, but not necessarily a browser: Modern cars, smartwatches, apps, even household appliances can retrieve data from a headless CMS via REST API.

Hybrid CMSs such as FirstSpirit are an example of a middle ground between traditional and headless CMSs. The flexibility gained through the decoupled provision of data with the headless approach is supplemented by conventional content management functions.

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