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Definition: With a multisite, several websites can be managed in/from one CMS installation. For companies, multisites reduce costs as the management and maintenance of content as well as the system administration and hosting of all websites can be done centrally.

When does a multisite make sense?

Companies that manage several brands, product worlds, national companies or sales regions under one roof can use a multisite to create a basic architecture for all areas, which can then be managed independently by the individual teams. For example, images, documents or texts can be provided in a central data pool from which the website managers can draw.

Companies with branches can also efficiently manage microsites for each branch, which can then be filled with product offers, opening hours, job vacancies, special offers, etc., for example.

What are the biggest advantages of a multisite?

Standardization and simplification

With a multisite, companies benefit from the standardization of various processes: On the one hand, there is a centralized requirements management that applies to all websites. On the other hand, these requirements can be met much more reliably, as there is usually only one service provider for the design, creation, further development and maintenance of the multisite. This ultimately reduces costs and avoids misunderstandings.

As all websites are based on the same architecture, employees can operate all websites with just one CMS training course. An employee who maintains website A can also "help out" with website B.

Maintenance and further development

If there are changes such as a new design, new features or new workflows, these can be implemented for all websites at the same time and with only one-time effort.

There are further advantages in terms of maintenance: Only one system needs to be maintained and updates are applied directly to all websites. Otherwise, this would have to be done individually for each installation. This also leads to greater data security, as there is only one "point of attack". On the other hand, this one system must also be specially protected, as hackers who gain access to the system can gain access to all data.

Schema mehrere Installationen vs. Multisite

Content and user management

The multisite simplifies processes and reduces redundancies in content creation: If there is new content that is to be displayed on all websites - for example, a new product that all branch websites should refer to - the content only needs to be created once and is then available on all websites

If an employee is responsible for several websites, single sign-on can be used with a multisite to ensure that they only have to log in once and then have direct access to all the websites they manage. It also facilitates user management, as this can be managed centrally for all websites in a very granular way.


The "patchwork" of different websites or installations also has an impact on marketing. If a company wants to run campaigns company-wide, planning and analysis are much easier with a multisite than if they were created on different websites located in different installations.

Does your organization need a Drupal multisite?

We have already implemented several multisite projects and support our customers in the areas of

  • Hosting and maintenance

  • programming

  • Content, document and product management

We are sure to find a solution for you too. Get in touch with us! 0711 633 779 60.