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What is the title tag?

The title tag is the title belonging to a web page, which is located within the HTML code in the header. It is displayed at the top of the browser window or in the browser tab. It also serves as the title of a search result in the SERP snippet.

Why is the title tag important for SEO?

The title tag is one of the most important SEO on-page factors. Used in a targeted manner, the page heading within the title tag can have a significant positive influence on the position of the page in question within the search results. As with a book, the title tag is the counterpart to the chapter title and therefore clearly indicates what the page is about.

Search engines use the title to index the page preferentially according to the keywords it contains. For search engine users, it serves as the most concise part of the search result for initial orientation as to whether this result is relevant for the search.

From an SEO perspective, you should consider the following tips:

  • Choose a click-worthy title. It should encourage search engine users to visit your website.
  • The content of a title tag must not be too short, because then it may not contain the important information that makes the relevance of the page clear to search engines.
  • If it is too long, it will be truncated in the search results with "...". Make sure that the title tag is no longer than 65 characters or 570px. The ideal title tag length is between 55 and 65 characters, approx. 555 px.
  • Use the main keyword of the page as far forward as possible in the title tag.
  • End the title tag with your company name or brand to increase brand awareness.
  • Each page needs a unique title. Therefore, do not use the same title tag for all pages.
  • Avoid repetition of words so as not to run the risk of the website being classified as spam.
  • Do not write only in capital letters.
  • Avoid stringing words together in different spellings, such as singular and plural, as this could be interpreted as a spam signal.

How can I find out if my title tag is optimal?

Use the Google search and enter

there. All pages indexed by Google will now appear. Check each result critically: Would this title appeal to you? Is the title unique? Does the title fit and is it not cut off? Do you have a concrete idea of what the page behind the result is about? If you answer "no" to this question, you have work to do. But this work is worth it.

On the one hand, your ranking can improve and your pages will end up higher up in the search results. This in turn leads to increased awareness. Secondly, a better title can increase your click-through rate and traffic, attracting more potential customers to your website.

arocom is your partner for search engine optimization. If you would like to optimize the title tags and other areas of your website, please contact us and benefit from our years of experience!

Further reference:

The following video takes a closer look at the title tag in the context of SEO: