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Marketing automation refers to the software-supported automation of marketing processes. In the course of this, various repetitive processes are replaced by time-saving automatisms. The functions of marketing automation solutions include, for example

  • CRM systems for managing customers and user profiles

  • Newsletter and email marketing for lead nurturing

  • Targeted social media marketing

  • Personalized web advertising

  • Automated content creation

  • [...]

Bundling all these functions allows marketing managers to better plan and implement campaigns and monitor results. The aim of automation is to make the work of the marketing department more efficient by using targeted content in such a way that anonymous visitors can be unmasked and converted into customers.

Examples of marketing automation applications:

  • Lead generation: adding users to a contact database by entering contact details (e-mail address).

  • Lead segmentation: User profiles are categorized based on certain characteristics (age, gender, etc.). The segments generated by the automation can be addressed in a more targeted manner through marketing measures.

  • Lead nurturing: roughly speaking, maintaining contact. Leads or customers are regularly reminded of the brand and its benefits by e-mails, for example. As leads are already known, the emails can be personalized.

  • Lead scoring: Automatic classification of leads according to their progress in the purchase process or phase of the customer journey.

Each time a lead interacts with the website, social media profiles, emails or advertisements, the user profile is fed with new data. This means that future marketing measures can be even more targeted.

Further information on marketing automation:


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