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What does Customer Relationship Management - CRM mean?

CRM is the abbreviation for the English term "Customer Relationship Management" and can be translated into German as "Kundenbeziehungs-Management". Customer Relationship Management deals with the principles, practices and guidelines that a company or organization follows when interacting with existing or potential customers.

What is a CRM system?

A CRM system is software that provides a company with the technology it needs to manage customer relationships. CRM software is therefore used to support customer-oriented business strategies and is used to collect, network and manage data from existing and potential customers in one central location. It is crucial that a CRM system not only stores the collected customer information, but also converts it into usable knowledge. The main aim is to build long-term customer relationships, strengthen customer loyalty and at the same time promote company growth.

What is a CRM database?

All customer data recorded by a CRM system is stored in a central CRM database. This is information such as a customer's personal details, all interactions with the customer, all previous purchases and other relevant information. The system analyzes this data to provide the user with a structured and detailed overview of each customer, illustrating all customer relationships. The more information the CRM system receives about a customer, the more personalized the customer approach can be.

What are the advantages of CRM systems?

With the help of cloud-based technologies, users of CRM systems have the advantage of having access to the information they need at any time and from anywhere. This means that better service and support can be guaranteed, as every employee has access to the customer history if the customer advisor is absent and can clarify any questions immediately. In the short term, this simplifies and improves customer care, while in the long term it can lead to greater customer loyalty and therefore improved sales results.

However, CRM systems not only support customer relations, but also network the flow of information between departments. As several departments usually work together to build customer relationships, CRM systems can save a lot of time and effort. The central management of data and thus the possibility of efficient multiple use of this data is impertinent in the digital transformation of companies, among other things. This is because more comprehensive CRM systems enable the automation of routine tasks, such as sending confirmation emails, etc., through interface connections.

Well-known CRM systems on the market include Salesforce, Freshsales, Pipedrive and HubSpot CRM.

Enterprise management systems, such as FirstSpirit, can be connected to CRM systems.

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