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Definition: Digitalization is the transformation of analogue processes into digital or digitally supported and integrated structures and processes.

The great advantage of digitally available data is the possibility of making it available to other digital systems via interfaces and thus creating added value.

Digitization of company information and processes

A website is the classic example of a digitalization measure. Company information is offered online and is therefore always available. Entire company processes such as job advertisements, applications and assessment centers can also be mapped there. Orders or commissions can also be placed via the website.

Digitalization in sales

Document and information management on digital devices (e.g. computers) instead of on paper. For example, customer data can be enriched with information from sales and returns in order to improve processes. As the data can be made available to all adjacent departments in the company, it is also possible to optimize entire product ranges.

Digitalization in production

In addition to data enrichment by other departments, production can benefit from the use of machines, keyword "Industry 4.0": robot-operated production processes reduce the error rate and minimize production time. Data exchange between different production stations means that parts always reach the right destination. If stock levels are also recorded digitally, just-in-time production is possible.

Other areas that are affected by digitalization or can benefit from it:

  • Politics, political parties
  • Public institutions (offices)
  • Schools, universities
  • Healthcare

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