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The commercial register is the digital heart of the economy. You can find out exactly what this means and who has to register here in our technical terms.

What is the commercial register?

The commercial register is a public register that is kept by the competent authorities and contains information about companies and their business activities. In Germany, the commercial register is kept by the local courts, or more precisely by the registry department, which is attached to the registry court.

Who is obliged to register in the commercial register?

Entry in the commercial register is mandatory for all merchants and shareholders of various legal forms. Many companies also register voluntarily in order to underline their seriousness and creditworthiness. The obligation to register in the commercial register in accordance with the German Commercial Code (HGB) exists primarily for corporations such as the GmbH or the AG, but also for partnerships and trading companies such as the OHG or the KG.

The register portal offers a quick and uncomplicated way to view the commercial register. Here, interested parties can find out about the legal form and the data entered in the commercial register. The application for entry in the commercial register is usually made via the register portal and must meet the requirements of the German Commercial Code (HGB).

What information does an entry in the commercial register according to the HGB contain?

In addition to the company name, the personal data of the company owners or shareholders, the commercial register also contains information on the form of business, the share capital, the registered office of the company and the object of the company. Changes such as a change of managing director or an increase in share capital must also be recorded in the commercial register.

What is the commercial register for?

The commercial register provides legal certainty and transparency and makes it possible to trace the business activities of companies. Business partners, creditors and investors have the opportunity to view the commercial register entries of companies via the commercial register. The register is publicly accessible, which means that everyone has the opportunity to find out about the creditworthiness and reliability of a company. The commercial register is therefore an important source of information for concluding contracts or making investment decisions.

The commercial register is an indispensable tool in business life. It promotes transparency and ensures greater trust in the business world. Anyone who is active as a merchant or entrepreneur should therefore familiarize themselves with the commercial register and have the entry in the register made carefully.

Where is the commercial register kept?

In Germany, the commercial register is kept at the relevant local court. Each federal state has its own register court. As a rule, the local court at the company's registered office is responsible

These register departments are divided into the following: the register of associations, the register of cooperatives and the commercial register. The latter section is the most important register and contains all relevant information on merchants and companies entered in the commercial register.

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