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Laura Murgia
Drupal 10 SEO Module

Drupal is by nature a CMS that is ideal for technically search engine optimized websites. It also offers some additional modules for SEO. These SEO modules differ depending on the Drupal version. For Drupal 10 in particular, there are modules that offer new functions compared to the previous versions.



"Path" allows you to create aliases for your subpages. For example, "/node/3" becomes "/contact". The good thing about this is that the URLs become readable and people, as well as search engines, can better categorize the page thematically. Path is included in the core of Drupal 10 .


Only assign an alias to a URL once, so do not change it later. If you change the alias and delete the old URL, you will also lose all positive ranking factors (backlinks, PageAuthority etc.).

If you change the alias permanently, create a redirect from the old URL to the new one. Plan what your URL structure should look like right from the start. The redirect module can help you with this: https: //


The "Pathauto" extension allows you to automatically create URL aliases based on the title of your page. This module works for different types of content such as posts, users or taxonomy. It saves you a lot of manual work and ensures that your URLs are more user and search engine friendly.

In addition to search engine optimization, another big advantage of this module is that you can define how the alias is composed. You can define the structure of the URL for each type of content. For example, you can name taxonomy terms with the term "tags", so that the term"SEO" would be found under /tags/seo. This is made possible by using so-called patterns, which contain placeholders (tokens). These placeholders pull data from the field contents you specify and insert them into the alias.

Another advantage of "Pathauto" is that all letters are automatically written in lower case. You also have the option of specifying stop words and special characters that should not be included in the URL. This module enables you to automatically create search engine and user-friendly URLs.

Further information on the "Pathauto" module and configuration can be found in the official Drupal documentation:

Drupal Pathauto


Pages whose URL has been changed are automatically redirected to the new version. You can use this tool together with "Path" and "Pathauto". The module has been merged with the obsolete "Global Redirect" module since Drupal 8.


If a visitor accesses a page that does not exist, a standard 404 error page is normally displayed. With the Search 404 module, a search is carried out using the search terms from the incorrect URL instead. Similar content is then displayed that is similar to what was searched for. This provides the user with a better navigation option and increases the likelihood that they will stay on your website and find relevant content. This is good for the user experience and you can increase the dwell time and engagement of your visitors and reduce frustration. more information:


The Drupal 10 SEO module "Simple XML sitemap" is a module for generating XML sitemaps for SEO purposes. "Simple XML sitemap" is a further development of "xmlsitemap", which is easier to use and requires fewer resources. This module requires the "Path" module in version 8.x-2.x.

It automatically creates XML sitemaps in accordance with Google standards. The generated sitemaps support the multilingualism of content by creating hreflang sitemaps and image sitemaps. This is beneficial for search engines such as Google and can lead to better indexing of your website.

The SEO module also provides an API that allows you to create and publish custom sitemaps with any content and submit them to search engines such as Google. In addition, the IndexNow protocol has been implemented to enable instant indexing of content.

Further information:


This module allows you to automatically insert structured metadata for your pages. This primarily refers to the meta description and the title tag, which are essential for SEO. The keywords contained here are highly relevant for search engine optimization. However, the SEO module also allows other meta tags such as Facebook's Open Graph Protocol and Twitter Cards. This allows you to control how your content is displayed on these platforms when it is shared. We have used this module for the reach portal project, among others.

"Metatag" replaces the following modules by taking over their functions:

  • Page Title
  • Open Graph meta tags
  • Refresh
  • Metatag iTunes


The "Schema Metatag" module in Drupal 10 extends Drupal's metatag module to display structured data as JSON LD in the head section of web pages.

The module allows you to set default structured data for all content types, override the global defaults for a specific content type, and custom override for individual nodes. It supports token substitution and provides validation tools such as the Schema Markup Validator and the Rich Results Test. object types are for example:

Article, book, course, event, FAQ page, guide, image object, list object, job offer, movie, organization, person, place, product, Q&A page, recipe, rating, service, special announcement, TV series, video object, website.

This structured data provides search engines with relevant information about the content of the website. By using this module, website operators can improve the visibility of their pages in search results and optimize the user experience.

Further information:



The module makes it easier to work with the latest Google Analytics version on your Drupal site. It allows you to track domains, exclude individual users or roles from statistics or check which files have been downloaded by visitors. You can also manage custom settings for dimensions and metrics. You can find the entire list of features on the Drupal module page.


e-Tracker is a web analytics tool and offers an alternative to Google Analytics. It enables many similar functions, such as tracking user behavior on the website, clicks on external links, system messages, internal search and much more. The module supports etracker API version 5.0 and offers extensive customization options. Further information:


Always knowing where you are on a website is important. You should offer your visitors this option in order to optimize the user experience. The module extracts the current page title plus the associated URL and creates a current breadcrumb navigation. You can set whether individual subfolders are displayed. Example: gallery/videos/christmas-eve would lead to a breadcrumb navigation that looks like this: Home → Gallery → Videos → Christmas Eve or Home → Videos → Christmas Eve.In addition to "Easy Breadbrumb", there are other modules that create breadcrumbs. You can find them all on


The Hreflang module is an HTML attribute designed to automatically add hreflang tags to Drupal pages. Hreflang tags are used by search engines to provide the correct language or regional URLs in search results, which is crucial for multilingual websites.

In Drupal CMS, the core module"Content Translation" already adds hreflang tags to translated content units. However, the Hreflang module goes beyond this and ensures that hreflang tags are added to all pages, including non-translated pages. This module simplifies the management of hreflang tags by automatically generating and inserting them based on the enabled languages of your website and the language change links provided by Drupal Core.

The Hreflang module helps ensure that search engines understand the language and regional variations of your content. This improves the user experience for multilingual audiences and optimizes the visibility of your website in search results.


First of all, it should be made clear that this module has nothing to do with Yoast. Together with "Metatag", "Yoast SEO for Drupal" helps you optimize your site by pointing out errors that you should improve:

  • Has enough text been written?
  • Has a meta description been written and does it contain the target keyword?
  • Have sections with headings been used, etc.?

The page is checked in real time and you receive a report with all the adjustments you still need to make.

Further modules are constantly being developed. Some are currently under development so that they can also be used for Drupal 10. It's worth checking from time to time to make sure you don't miss out on new, good modules.

Drupal Module Yoast


Links that no longer work are not beneficial for either search engines or your visitors. That's why you should always make sure that your links work. This is a lot of work. "Link Checker" can support you: The module regularly checks links on your site to see if they work. Dead links are shown in a report.


As a Drupal agency with SEO know-how, arocom makes your website future-proof and search engine optimized: With Drupal 10 as your content management system and the excellent SEO modules, you have more control over your content. And with a modern website from our web designers in Stuttgart, you will achieve a significantly better user experience for your visitors. And Google will be happy too!

Get to know our agency and web development with Drupal! Click here for our Drupal agency services.

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