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Carla Schumann
Wie wir mit Drupal barrierefreie Webseiten ermöglichen

How we enable accessible websites with Drupal

Accessibility is no longer just a physical issue limited to ramps or elevators. In the digital age, the accessibility of websites is also of great importance to enable everyone to access information and services. This change requires companies and organizations to constantly adapt and take on new challenges.

The idea of digital accessibility was launched back in 1999 with the introduction of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) by the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Since then, the topic has become increasingly important. The EU Accessibility Directive (European Accessibility Act, EAA for short) was published in 2021 with the Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz (BFSG). From June 2025, the requirements set out here will generally apply to products placed on the market after this date.

In this article, we at arocom would like to show you how we create accessible websites with Drupal and why this is crucial for the future-proofing of your website.

Why is web accessibility so important?

Web accessibility means that all people, regardless of their individual abilities or limitations, can access digital content equally. In everyday life, people with disabilities often face many challenges and the internet should not be an additional hurdle. As our daily lives increasingly shift to the digital space, web accessibility is becoming more and more important.

An accessible website is designed in such a way that it can be easily used by people with a wide range of disabilities. This applies, for example, to

Visual impairments: By using screen readers and adjusting contrasts, access to content is made possible for people with a disability due to blindness or low vision. This applies to both text and image content.

Hearing impairments: Subtitles and text transcripts for audiovisual content make information accessible to people with a hearing disability or hearing impairment.

Motor disabilities: The ability to operate a website using only a keyboard is essential.

Cognitive limitations: Clear, understandable language and clear navigation support usability.

Legal aspects of accessibility

The legal requirements for website accessibility are becoming increasingly comprehensive. In the European Union, for example, Directive (EU) 2016/2102, which prescribes barrier-free access to websites and mobile applications of public bodies, is decisive. This directive obliges public institutions to make their digital offerings accessible.

However, the topic is also becoming increasingly relevant for private companies. The "Ordinance on the Creation of Barrier-free Information Technology under the Disability Equality Act", BITV 2.0 for short, and the "Barrier-free Strengthening Act" (BFSG ), which will apply from 2025, oblige private providers to provide barrier-free digital services. Violations of these regulations can not only have legal consequences, but can also undermine users' trust in the company.

Drupal and WCAG: a strong duo for accessibility

Drupal offers an excellent basis for implementing accessible websites. Thanks to Drupal's flexibility and adaptability, all WCAG and BFSG requirements can be implemented efficiently. With a variety of modules, e.g. for alternative texts, keyboard navigation and the integration of screen readers, Drupal optimally supports the implementation of accessibility guidelines. Regular updates keep Drupal up to date with the latest accessibility standards and enable companies to adapt their websites to current and future legal requirements. Thanks to the open source community, new solutions are continuously being developed to ensure even greater inclusion and accessibility.

When developing accessible websites with Drupal, we at arocom place particular emphasis on

Perceivability: content and functions must be easily perceivable for all users, e.g. through alternative texts for images and sufficiently high contrasts.

Usability: The navigation and all interactive elements of the website should be easy to use for all users, for example by supporting keyboard operation and clearly recognizable interaction options.

Comprehensibility: Both the content and the navigation of the website should be clearly and comprehensibly structured. Simple language and clearly defined interaction paths are particularly important.

Robustness: The content must be designed in such a way that it can be reliably interpreted by a variety of end devices and assistive technologies such as screen readers.

CJD: A practical example

Beispiel der Vorlesen-Funktion auf der Seite des CJD.

An outstanding example of the successful implementation of an accessible website is our project for the Christliches Jugenddorfwerk Deutschlands(CJD). We developed a Drupal-based website that meets all the requirements of a modern, functional web design and is also completely barrier-free.

In close cooperation with the CJD, external advice from Pfennigparade and compliance with the WCAG guidelines, we have created a platform that enables all users, regardless of their limitations, to access the content of the website. This includes support for screen readers, simple keyboard navigation and the provision of alternative texts for all visual content.

Gegenüberstellung der Ansicht der Startseite des CJD in der Standardansicht und in leichter Sprache.

Future-proofing through accessibility

Accessibility is not only an ethical obligation, but also offers a clear competitive advantage. Companies that make their websites accessible reach a wider target group and at the same time strengthen their image as responsible organizations. As the importance of web accessibility will continue to grow in the coming years, it is important to prepare for it today.

An accessible website is future-proof, as it not only meets current legal requirements, but is also flexible enough to respond to future developments. By making your website accessible, you show your customers and partners that you care about inclusion and accessibility.

Our expertise at arocom

At arocom, we have extensive experience in developing accessible websites according to the latest standards. Our team of experienced developers and web designers will work closely with you to ensure that your website is not only aesthetically pleasing and functional, but also remains accessible to all users.

Our services include:

Consultation and analysis: we examine your existing website for barriers and develop a customized strategy to implement accessibility.

Implementation: We implement the necessary technical adjustments to make your website accessible, paying attention to all relevant WCAG aspects.

Testing and optimization: We test your website with various tools and in collaboration with users to ensure that it is actually accessible and make further optimizations if necessary.

Your path to an accessible website with arocom

Creating an accessible website is an important investment in the future. It helps you to minimize legal risks, improve the user experience and strengthen your image as a responsible company.

With arocom, you have an experienced partner at your side who will accompany you on the path to digital accessibility. Contact us today to find out more about how we can future-proof your website. Together, we can create a digital world where content is accessible to all.