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Julia Kadauke

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Back in 2013, we searched the German-language web with our specially developed crawler Drupact to find out how high the market shares of the individual CMSs were. After six years, we launched Drupact again to draw a comparison between 2013 and 2019.

You can find out more about our bot "Drupact" and its other uses here.

CMS comparison figures for Germany

WordPress is clearly in the lead in Germany with a market share of almost 63%. The CMS, which is frequently used for blogs, small company websites and often also for affiliate websites, was able to increase its market share by over 50% from 2013 (41%) to 2019. The three other CMS TYPO3, Joomla and Drupal, on the other hand, have suffered losses, with TYPO3 losing the most market share with a loss of 39% in the last 6 years. Drupal and Joomla are on a par in terms of loss.

Marktanteilsänderung der am häufigsten genutzten CMS in Deutschland im Vergleich 2013 und 2019. Quelle: Drupact

Comparison of CMS use in individual federal states

The market shares of the individual CMSs also differ by federal state. Berlin and Hamburg primarily use WordPress, although Drupal is still the most frequently used CMS in Berlin compared to other federal states. Meanwhile, federal states such as Thuringia, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Brandenburg frequently use Joomla in addition to WordPress.

Verwendung verschiedener CMS in den einzelnen Bundesländern. N = 173.662 Webseiten. Quelle: Drupact

Popularity of CMS in Germany

For these statistics, we were interested in the popularity of a CMS in relation to its overall popularity on the web, i.e. which CMS is used for the largest and most popular sites on the web.

To determine the popularity of a website, we checked the Alexa rank of the websites examined and aggregated it for each CMS. The Alexa rank starts at 1 (most popular) and is open towards the end:

"Alexa rank is a measure of website popularity. It ranks millions of websites in order of popularity, with an Alexa Rank of 1 being the most popular. Alexa Rank reveals how a website is doing relative to all other sites, which makes it a great KPI for benchmarking and competitive analysis. Alexa rank is calculated using a proprietary methodology that combines a site's estimated traffic and visitor engagement over the past three months. Traffic and engagement are estimated from the browsing behavior of people in our global panel, which is a sample of all Internet users."(Source

Quelle: Drupact
Quelle: Drupact

The Alexa ranking of positions 1 to 1 million is shown. The most popular websites are therefore on the left-hand side of the diagrams. While Drupal, WordPress and TYPO3 were still relatively equal in 2013 in terms of usage for very popular websites, the value has changed in 2019: TYPO3 is the most frequently used CMS for very popular websites, followed by WordPress.

CMS comparison internationally

Internationally, 56.9% of all websites are operated with a content management system (CMS) according to W3Tech's https :// In December 2019, WordPress, Joomla and Drupal clearly led the CMS field. In contrast to German-language websites, TYPO3 has a smaller international market share than Drupal:

Internationale Marktanteile der CMS am 1. Januar 2014. Quelle: W3Techs
Internationale Marktanteile der CMS am 17. September 2019. Quelle: W3Techs

Since 2014, the international market share of WordPress has increased slightly overall (+3.68%), while the three most important other open source CMSs, Drupal (-45.45%), Joomla (-50.54%) and TYPO3 (-43.75%), have lost market share.

New, proprietary CMS such as Shopify, Squarespace, Wix, Weebly or Bitrix have come onto the market in recent years and have reduced the market share of OpenSource CMS. Together with WordPress, these proprietary CMSs make up a large part of the low-end market.

All statistics from W3Techs with international data can be found here.

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