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Laura Murgia

Attention "dusty"!

This article is already a little outdated and may contain information that no longer corresponds to the current status of the topic.

2022 bietet wieder jede Menge Camps, Trainings und andere Events, bei denen sich die Drupal-Gemeinde On- und Offline treffen und ihr Wissen austauschen kann. Die wichtigsten Drupal Events 2022 auf einen Blick.


DevOps for frontend developers

Online talk about the central principles and workflows of DevOps.

February 10, 2022

Link to the event & program

9th Drupal DACH Online Meetup

Monthly online meeting of the Drupal DACH community with presentations, always on the 3rd Thursday. In February there will be two talks, on Mautic and Drupal Testing.

February 17, 2022, 7:00 pm

Live Event Link


Florida Drupal Camp 2022

Drei Tage Drupal Trainings, Sessions und Beiträge mit Gleichgesinnten aus aller Welt.

18. Februar 2022

Orlando, FL



Introducing ARRM: Assigning Ownership to Get Things Done

Online talk on the "Accessibility Roles and Responsibilities Mapping" method. Sharing knowledge and learnings.

February 22, 2022

Youtube Live Link



DrupalCamp India Refresh 2022

Location and program not yet confirmed. Updates can be found on the official website.

March 5, 2022

DrupalCamp India

Program & Tickets


Drupal Developer Days

Die European Developer Days werden 2022 in Belgien stattfinden. Hier erwarten Sie spannende Sessions, Beiträge, Veranstaltungen und Vernetzung zur Community.

04.-08. April 2022 

Genf, Belgien



DrupalCon Portland

The largest annual Drupal community event - in person! Personal training and further development of the open source platform.

April 25 - 28, 2022

Portland, USA

Get tickets



Drupaljam 2022

June 1, 2022

Utrecht, Netherlands

Tickets & Program

Logo Drupal Jam

Drupal camp kyiv

The two-day Drupal Camp with hundreds of like-minded people offers several tracks with great speakers and exciting topics, code sprints and celebrations.

June 04-05, 2022

Kiev, Ukraine

Tickets & Program

Drupal Mountain Camp

"Open Source On Top of the World"

June 23 - 26, 2022

Davos, Switzerland

Program & Tickets


DrupalCamping 2022 in Wolfsburg

Wolfsburg, Germany

Date still unknown!

Program & Tickets


DrupalCon Europe

Updates about this event can be found on the website. Program & tickets are not yet available.

September 20 - 23, 2022

Prague, Czech Republic

Weitere Events finden Sie auf dieser übersichtlichen Karte:

Training Sessions: Welche Fortbildungen geplant sind erfahren Sie auf dieser Übersichtsseite der Training Sessions 2022