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Laura Murgia
Drupal Upgrade

The Drupal 9 upgrade is coming. The EOL date for Drupal 8 is November 2, 2021 . Find out what this means for you as a website operator in our blog article.

The Drupal 8 release already took place in 2015. At the end of this year, the version will be phased out. This raises a number of questions for users with websites based on the soon-to-be-retired version.


If you have not yet switched to Drupal 9, now is the right time! The development of Drupal 9 has consistently improved the framework and made it easier to migrate websites. Switching from D8 to D9 is easier than previous upgrades due to high compatibility .

To ensure a smooth transition to the new version, your source codes must be kept up to date . From now on, codes must not use outdated interfaces that could soon be removed by Drupal 9. The database of Drupal 8 and Drupal 9 are compatible.


Initially, everything will still work - at least for a while. It might also be relatively safe for a while. However, the code your website relies on will not be updated by either the Drupal or Symfony community.

The consequences can be severe:

  • The likelihood of something "breaking" and not being able to be fixed increases enormously.
  • There are no options for fixing security vulnerabilities, security updates and support are only available in the new version.
  • Compromising the website: Security vulnerabilities are discovered by perfidious actors and never publicly disclosed.
  • Due to these and other factors, the migration from Drupal 8 to Drupal 9 becomes more and more costly the longer it is delayed.

After the move to Drupal 9 - What's next?

No. - The Drupal 9 code is exactly the same as the latest version of Drupal 8, but with no deprecated code removed.

This means that if you follow Drupal best practices and do not use deprecated code under Drupal 8, your site can be upgraded to the new release with zero development time. The same should apply to all subsequent major version updates.

How long will Drupal 9 be current?

Drupal 9 will reach its EOL in November 2023. The release of the future Drupal 10 system version will take place in June 2022. This does not mean that you will have to worry about complicated and time-consuming migration or upgrade processes next year. This year's upgrade is the core upgrade of a major version. Smaller versions such as the one in November 2023 will be straightforward. Further conversions to major versions will not be more complex than the migration from Drupal 8 to Drupal 9.


The latest Drupal version simplifies powerful features of the CMS. All the features you love about Drupal 8, Drupal 9 brings updated system requirements and components for longer security support.

  • Simplified tools and modules
  • A continuous innovation cycle: constant delivery of powerful new features: Drupal aims to implement new ones twice a year.
  • State of the art web technologies (including performance).
  • Flexible functionality for demanding projects.
  • Simple upgrade: No complex migration processes in the future.
  • No relearning due to familiar environment (Drupal 8).
  • Modern environment for developers: Tidy, consistent APIs.
  • High relevance of the CMS platform due to future-oriented changes.

The impending security aspects, lack of support for outdated versions and the advantages mentioned here, which Drupal 9 offers in comparison, are decisive reasons for a quick changeover.


The upgrade of your Drupal 8 website follows a clear 5-step process:

  1. In the first step, we conduct a preliminary discussion with you, analyze your website and provide you with a quote.
  2. In the second step, we prepare the Drupal installation.
  3. This is followed by the Drupal 9 upgrade.
  4. In the fourth step, a test is carried out on the staging environment, including troubleshooting, whereby you as the customer can check the functionality of the site.
  5. Finally, the Drupal 9 installation is handed over and put into operation .

Do you want to migrate your website to Drupal 9? At arocom, you will receive a fixed-price offer and professional advice and implementation. Find out more about the Drupal 9 upgrade process and get in touch with us!