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Julia Kadauke
Drupal Coworking Day 2016

It's time again for a Drupal Coworking Day! On 2.9.2016 we set sail.

Attention "dusty"!

This article is already a little outdated and may contain information that no longer corresponds to the current status of the topic.

arocom invites Drupal developers to participate in the Drupal Coworking Day on Friday, September 2, 2016.

to participate. At this event, everyone can work on their Drupal project.

and exchange ideas with other Drupalistas. In the evening

the Stuttgart Drupal Meetup will take place at our new office.

The coordinates are:

Latitude North 48° 43' 4,139"

Longitude East 9° 13' 48,902"

Fun. The address is:

Heumadener Straße 4

73760 Ostfildern-Kemnat

2nd floor above the Volksbank

This is the program:

10.00 - 17.00 Coworking Day

17.00 - 19.00 Barbecue

from 19.00 Drupal Meetup with us

And here are the FAQs:

" What do I need to bring?

Computer and a desire for Drupal.

" What can I contribute?

Projector, multiple socket, folding chair, salads.

" How much does the event cost?

5 € contribution to the coffee fund per person.

" Is this even something for me?

If you like Drupal, of course!

" Where can I stay overnight?

There is a hotel in the immediate vicinity

Otherwise there is the Kemnater Hof, which can be reached by car:

" What about the catering?

We're having a barbecue on our beloved balcony. Drinks are available


" Is there parking available?

Yes, in the neighborhood.

" Can I bring someone else with me?

Yes, please let us know so that we can plan.

" Is it possible to travel by public transport?

Yes, there is the following connection from Stuttgart main station:

U7 in the direction of Ostfildern to Heumaden (platform 2).

Bus 131 direction Scharnhausen Plieninger Str. (Nord) to Kemnat


Then walk for approx. 4 minutes to Heumadenerstraße 4.

Cost: 4 €

Journey time: approx. 30 min

You can also take a closer look at Enter there

enter "Heumadener Straße 4 Kemnat" as the destination.

Please register by 26.08.2016. The number of participants is limited to 35

participants. Simply send us an email to with the following information:

  • Your name
  • Whether you are bringing someone else with you
  • Whether you are bringing something (e.g. cake, bread, salad, barbecue stuff)

We look forward to seeing you there,

Your arocom team.