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Julia Kadauke

Our Drupal agency in Stuttgart has been in existence since 2012. Like all Drupal developers, we also benefit from the great work of the community and are happy to be able to give something back in return. This includes contributions, supporting projects, sponsoring and organizing events as well as promoting young talent and transferring know-how.


UI Toggle

A module for showing and hiding various elements in the user interface for logged-in users.

Codeception Drupal

A module to test Drupal websites and other applications with Codeception. Available tests are automated UI, functional and acceptance tests.

You can find the module here:


PROST is a command line development framework that makes Drupal 7 development in teams easier and faster. Do you use a centralized Git repository, love the power of Drush and want a clear and fast infrastructure that everyone can work with? Take a look at PROST.

Supported projects

Further information can be found at


Drupal Events

Drupal Meetups in Stuttgart since 2012

The Drupal Meetup Stuttgart has been taking place monthly in the Coworking0711 space since 2012. Interested parties, from beginners to professionals, can meet there to talk about current developments, support each other and make contacts. Participation is free of charge.

You can find more information here:

Drupal Coworking Day

After the first Drupal Coworking Day Stuttgart took place in 2012, we are pleased that we have been able to offer this event every year since 2016. Drupal developers meet here to work together on their projects, ask questions, discuss news and much more. It is possible for all participants to give presentations or organize sprints.

Education and promoting young talent

arocom has set itself the goal of passing on knowledge and know-how. Be it to our customers, who can regularly read our technical articles in the blog or glossary terms, or training and further education for young (and older) developers. During internships, interested people and beginners can spend several weeks or months in our agency, work with us and learn a lot. In training courses for experienced developers, we teach best practices and give something back to the community.