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Die ersten 4 Wochen: Unsere neuesten Teammitglieder stellen sich vor

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The arocom team is growing: since January, we have two new colleagues who answered our questions in an interview.

Hello, you two! Please introduce yourselves: Who are you? What are your jobs with us and what did you do before you came to arocom?

  • Hello, I'm Lütfiye. I studied media informatics at LMU Munich and today I'd like to introduce myself as a junior web developer at arocom.

  • My name is Eugen and I come from Stuttgart. I am doing a six-month internship at arocom. Before I started at arocom, I trained as a computer scientist specializing in game and multimedia development in Heidelberg. There I was mainly involved in programming websites and games.

What are your first impressions of the team and arocom in general?

We were able to get to know the team for the first time on our trial day during the application phase. We had the opportunity to gather our first impressions over lunch.

We were immediately struck by the open and friendly atmosphere. We are all the more pleased that this impression was confirmed after the first few weeks here at arocom. From day one, we were welcomed and treated as full members of the team.

The great team spirit is also worth emphasizing: the very different strengths and weaknesses of the team members ensure that everyone has to rely on each other.

It was also particularly important for us that everyone was always willing to share their knowledge with the team members and provide us with help and advice if we had any questions.

What was the learning process like for you? What were your first tasks?

Logically, we started with the theory. Although we already had some prior knowledge of various web-based languages, this was nowhere near enough to tackle actual practical tasks.

The first few weeks were therefore a mixture of independent learning and regular workshops with team members who taught us the theory of their respective specialist areas. There were also smaller practical tasks from time to time, but the focus was clearly on theory at first.

In the team's weeklies - weekly meetings that usually consist of status updates on the various projects and knowledge transfer - we were also allowed to give regular presentations on our progress in order to keep the team up to date with our growing level of knowledge. This was not an easy task at first, as the Weeklies are held in English, but it is good practice.

In the meantime, we have been working on our first own project for about two weeks, which we have built up from scratch with the support of the team. This is actually not just a learning project, but a real tool based on Drupal, which will later be used internally by the team.

What are your highlights so far?

In addition to the great working atmosphere I already mentioned, one of our highlights has actually been the leap in knowledge we have made. After the exhausting first few weeks full of theory, it was incredibly satisfying to not only feel that we had learned a lot, but above all to be able to quickly apply what we had learned in practical tasks.

This brings us to another highlight: the project we were allowed to tackle. As already mentioned, it was not only great to be able to test the knowledge we had learned directly, but above all the personal responsibility was a great experience. We were and are actually the only two developers and are regularly given new tasks that we then implement ourselves.

Above all, this helped us to get to know the processes in the background and to really understand the basics of Drupal's structure.

What are you looking forward to, what is still to come?

Even though we have already learned a lot and are working on our own project, we are aware that we are far from having reached the end of our learning phase. We are therefore looking forward to the new challenges and of course hope that we are up to them.

In addition to continuing to familiarize ourselves with topics and processes, we also have a number of interesting workshops and seminars waiting for us in the future, which we are particularly looking forward to attending.

The greatest joy, however, is for our own future selves. Looking back and realizing how much knowledge we were able to acquire in just a few weeks, we can hardly wait to see how far we could come in several months or years.

Thank you very much and we wish you continued success and happiness at arocom!

arocom currently offers interesting jobs for e.g. Junior Web Developer

You can find an overview of our vacancies here, but we are of course also happy to receive unsolicited applications: