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Axel Roth

Attention "dusty"!

This article is already a little outdated and may contain information that no longer corresponds to the current status of the topic.

We invite you to find out the latest news about arocom, review the past year and take a brief look at the topics that will affect arocom and many of you in 2020.

Reinforcement for our team

We were able to further strengthen our team with Lütfiye Turan (computer scientist) and Eugen Zerr (computer scientist for game and multimedia development) and further expand our position as a technologically strong web agency. Both colleagues have been working in the team since January 2019 and are now fully integrated into day-to-day business.

As part of a two-day external communication training course, we were able to gain a lot of new ideas, both for direct contact with you and, in particular, for internal communication within the team. Have you noticed a difference?

Technological and infrastructural advances

In terms of technology, dealing with and training in new front-end technologies such as Vue.js / Node.js and WebSockets plays a central role. We are thus adapting to the global megatrend of increasingly using Javascript solutions in development projects!

As you know as an arocom customer, ticket systems play a central role in our daily work. With the aim of even more efficient workload planning and thus binding delivery times, we were able to develop our own tool in 2019 that aggregates tasks from different sources and outputs them according to priority. The question of "What's next?" is thus answered. Of course, this tool is also available to you, as it makes requirements management much easier at the height of a project.

Hosting and security maintenance are also playing an increasingly central role, given the number of over 15 launches that we have been able to support this year. In order to do justice to this fact, we have moved our servers to a new data center in addition to setting up and developing an extended incident management system, which has more than doubled the speed and scalability of the Drupal solutions we support on average. We are deliberately taking a different approach to many traditional agencies, who are happy to outsource this uneconomical area, but are usually only able to offer standard solutions.

New collaborations and partners

One of the late but all the more pleasing developments in 2019 is the participation of the "Schöne Töchter" agency group in arocom. For you, our customers, partners and friends, nothing will change in concrete terms. Of course, the current team will remain loyal to you and the usual way of working will be retained. In the medium term, this participation will of course enable arocom to work with great partners and to access a large interdisciplinary pool of know-how.

In addition to the "beautiful daughters", we are also looking forward to further expanding our network with agencies such as "Melting Elements", "DART Beratende Designer" and "pionierfabrik". Digital sales, sales support and marketing automation play a central role in many of our new partnerships. Our crawler and SEO expertise and technical implementation strength allow us to break completely new ground here and we look forward to the opportunities that arise for you and us.

What will keep us and you busy in 2020

As in 2019 with "Google 4 Jobs", Google will continue to play a driving role. Changes that have already been announced relate to the importance of website performance, for example. The roll-out of algorithm updates, which have so far only been active in the USA, will also fundamentally change search engine rankings in Germany. We will stay on the ball and inform you proactively as usual.

In mid-2020, we expect the next major update with Drupal 9, which comes with a very easy update option and a much more user-friendly and modern operation. Talk to us, we will be happy to present this to you in advance. Wow effect guaranteed!

Finally, we would like to say thank you! Without you, this year would have been different and we at arocom would not have been able to achieve the progress we have made together with you. You are also the reason why we are very positive about 2020. Exchange and collaboration are the key factors for us in mastering the upcoming joint changes.

With this in mind, the arocom team wishes you a Merry Christmas, relaxing holidays and a Happy New Year 2020!

Axel Roth und das arocom Team