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Boris Willi

Out of self-employment - into agency life! That, or something similar, is the motto of my appointment at arocom. After 14 years of self-employment, I couldn't have imagined a better career change - but it was no less challenging either.

A site builder in a technology wonderland

As a site builder, you have many advantages, one of which is definitely that you don't have to think much about the technologies used. A web server and a rudimentary "development environment" are enough to achieve a great deal.

I knew in advance that this time would end when I joined arocom. What I didn't realize was how many technologies and cogs have to mesh when you look at Drupal from the other side, the developer side. And so my first few weeks consisted mainly of learning new vocabulary, understanding technologies, familiarizing myself with the development environment and slowly getting a feel for how everything interlocks.

The team makes the difference

Some days it's a bit like the Matrix and I wonder what would have happened if I had opted for the blue pill instead of the red one.

But I don't regret the decision for a second, and of course that's not just because the arocom house color is - how could it be otherwise - red. In addition to all the technical expertise at the Drupal agency, it is above all the established system of helpfulness and support from colleagues that fascinates me every day. Knowledge is shared and made accessible to everyone - at all times.

It's hardly worth mentioning - but for me, who has been a lone wolf for years, it's still an important factor - is the cultural mix at arocom. Many cultures and languages come together here, meetings are held flexibly in German or English. At joint barbecue evenings, a culinary journey across the world is on the table and people talk about countries near and far. It's inspiring in every respect!

Where the journey is going

Dare to build more sites! Many (all?) Drupalistas shudder at the mere thought of not thinking of Drupal in terms of code. But this is where immense potential falls by the wayside. The jump from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 was the end for many site builders. Almost overnight, it became almost impossible to work with the system as a non-developer. Despite all the adversities, I still managed to stay on the ball and create an acceptable Drupal environment on my Windows computer. So I've been involved as a site builder since Drupal 6.

At arocom, we have been looking for sitebuilder know-how for a long time in order to get the most out of the system. And that's exactly what I'm starting out with. I'm really looking forward to outlining my world to the nerds (and I mean that with the utmost respect) and showing them new and different ways of working with Drupal.

A first conclusion

The interim conclusion is clear: It can go on like this! I haven't regretted the big step out of self-employment for a second, which is definitely down to the people and structures here at arocom. I'm looking forward to an exciting time and lots of new experiences.