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Julia Kadauke
Loco für Multilinguale Webseiten

Internationally active companies need to be represented online in all markets. This involves image websites, online stores or apps that are available in different languages.

To facilitate the creation of multilingual websites, our customers use, or Loco for short. With this online application, translations can be entered for any number of languages.

A major advantage over translation in the system is the CMS-independent rights management: if you commission a translation agency, you can create access for them in Loco and do not have to do this in the CMS. In Loco, you can assign one or more languages for translation to each user.

Übersetzer hinzufügen bei Loco

The translations are simple and efficient: only those strings that are pre-selected by the Drupal developers and pushed to Loco can be translated. This ensures that unnecessary strings are not available for translation in the first place. The translations are then automatically transferred to the system, whereby the upload frequency can be adapted to the respective project, e.g. hourly or daily.

Übersetzungsfenster Loco

Translations can be changed at any time. They are then overwritten in the system. If a translation is missing, the list of strings can be filtered accordingly. This increases efficiency enormously.

Individual strings can be searched for directly using the search function.

Loco also offers the option of first submitting translations for review before they are sent back to the system. This minimizes possible errors.

As the project manager, you always have an overview of the status of the translations and can intervene if necessary.


Loco is ideal for the effective creation of multilingual websites. The tool is easy to use and provides a good overview.

Do you also have a multilingual Drupal project? Get in touch with us! With arocom as your partner, nothing stands in your way.