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Laura Murgia
Teambuilding arocom GmbH

More than just a break from everyday life - our arocom team day in May was once again a valuable opportunity to learn more and grow even closer together!

Meet & Grill under the Stuttgart sun

The weather was kind to us and brought sunshine, perfect for the planned barbecue on our office terrace. With a barbecue and a relaxed atmosphere, we were all able to get together, chat away from our daily tasks and start the team afternoon.

Learning and growing together

In order to integrate our remote colleagues, we started the theoretical part of our team day via video call - our weekly team meeting. In addition to project updates, the weekly meeting offers the opportunity to share individual "Good to Knows". These small nuggets of knowledge continuously inform and inspire the entire team about the latest developments in Drupal and IT, but also about methods for everyday task management and the latest AI developments.

Experience agile methods in practice

The afternoon was all about agile project management methods. In an interactive workshop, the team explored one of the many tools used in project management, the Empathy Map Canvas. The aim of this tool is to create an empathic level for target groups and customers.

The team quickly split into four groups and the terrace table, break room and sofa became creative workspaces. The resulting ideas were collected on colorful post-its and pinned to the wall in our meeting room. The resulting personas opened up new perspectives on the individual needs of different target groups in our case study. This understanding helps us to react flexibly and efficiently to customer needs and is essential for our project collaboration.

Blind communication - team building with a fun factor

One of the highlights of our team day was the team-building game. The barbecue in sunny weather provided the perfect opportunity to exchange ideas in a relaxed atmosphere and strengthen team dynamics . The game itself was an excellent opportunity to improve communication between colleagues in a playful way and to promote team spirit at the same time.

A day full of inspiration and team spirit

This day once again confirmed that our success depends not only on individual know-how, but also strongly on the ability of a team to work together effectively and harmoniously. At arocom, we believe in a culture that encourages both professional development and personal interaction.

We are already looking forward to the next team day and the new ideas it is sure to bring!

Fancy a change or an exciting start to your career?

Of course, we are always on the lookout for fresh talent, nerds or idea volcanoes. If you feel attracted by our team and learning culture, just take a look at our jobs. We look forward to hearing from you!

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