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Laura Murgia
Remote Sardinien

Working where the heart beats: My remote adventure in Sardinia with arocom

Benvenuti dear readers,

Today I would like to share with you an extraordinary experience I had thanks to my employment at the Drupal agency arocom.

Imagine sitting in your office, looking out at the glittering sea and listening to the gentle sound of the waves - that was my working day for two months while working from Sardinia.

Everyday working life in Sardinian paradise

My typical working day started with a walk on the beach, accompanied by my faithful dog Nala, who went everywhere with me. These moments of peace and beauty were not only relaxing, but also inspiring. They gave me the energy and creativity I needed for my work. Back in my study, which I used exclusively for professional purposes, I was able to concentrate fully on my tasks. This clear separation between work and private life was crucial to stay productive while enjoying the beauty of the island.

Connection to the team

Despite the physical distance, I always felt close to my team in Stuttgart. We kept in regular contact through our weekly meetings, where I occasionally shared photos and experiences from the island. These insights into my Sardinian life brought freshness and new perspectives to our team and strengthened our bond.

Differences between Sardinia and Stuttgart

Working in Sardinia is, of course, fundamentally different from working in Stuttgart. Here I had the opportunity to completely immerse myself in a different culture. I learned to slow down, appreciate the little things and found a deep connection with nature. This experience showed me how varied life can be and how important it is to be open to new experiences.

Family support

A special aspect of my time in Sardinia was that I was able to help my family with the grape and olive harvest. This cultural experience was not only enriching, but also showed me how valuable the flexibility that arocom offers its employees is.

Tips for working remotely

Working remotely has a number of advantages: flexibility, the opportunity to experience new cultures and an improved work-life balance. My experience in Sardinia fully confirms this. It was a time when work was not just work, but part of a fulfilling life.

For this to work well, a stay abroad should be well prepared, not only on a personal level but also in the team and from a legal perspective. By paying attention to a few points, you can ensure that your work experience abroad in the EU is not only enriching, but also smooth.

Important considerations when working from another EU country

  1. Tax regulations: Find out about the tax regulations that apply to your host country and to Germany. It is important to understand how working abroad affects your tax liability.
  2. Health and social insurance: Find out how your health insurance works abroad. There are agreements on health insurance in the EU, but it is always good to check this in advance and make sure that you are also covered abroad.
  3. Labor law regulations: Although you are working for a German company, other labor laws may apply abroad. Find out about this to ensure that you meet all legal requirements.
  4. Internet and workplace setup: Make sure your workplace is well equipped and you have a reliable internet connection. This is crucial for maintaining productivity and communication with the team.
  5. Time zones and working hours: Consider the time difference to ensure you can communicate effectively with your team in Germany. Good planning is crucial to find a balance between work and leisure.
  6. Cultural adaptation: Be open to the new culture and adapt to the local conditions. This not only promotes your personal growth, but can also bring new perspectives to your work.


My time in Sardinia was more than just a work experience; it was a life experience that showed me the value of flexibility and freedom in professional life. arocom offers just that - a work environment that not only promotes professional growth, but also personal fulfillment and happiness.
For anyone looking for an open-minded, culturally diverse and flexible working environment, arocom is the perfect place. Here you can not only achieve your professional goals, but also live your personal dreams.

With this in mind, dare to experience your work differently!

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