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Definition: Anchor text is the German equivalent of anchor text. Other synonyms are link text and reference text.


What is anchor text?

In order to understand the function of anchor text, it must first be clear what a link is and what it consists of. A hyperlink (link for short) is embedded in HTML with the a element (see below). Such text links consist of a target address and a text that is displayed, which can be chosen at will.

Without hyperlinks, there would be no Internet. Links on websites are used to refer to other pages or page areas. It is often said that a link is equivalent to a recommendation: the link target is an authority for this keyword, which is contained in the anchor text. The text of the link tells the visitor what to expect on this other page.

In search engine optimization (SEO for short), the use of meaningful link texts is very important: this is one of the main SEO on-page factors of all, because links or references are used to create an information structure that is an important relevance factor for search engines such as Google or Bing - regardless of whether the link refers to another page on the same domain (internal link) or to another domain (external link). The correct use of meaningful link texts is also obligatory when writing good Internet texts that promote the flow of reading.

In the case of image links, the alt tag and the file name ensure that the information reference to the image can take place. Google evaluates these texts for images, as the search engine cannot interpret the content of the images. The target address is also important here: Google rates paths that are "readable" higher than cryptic character strings.

How do you use an anchor text?

This is an example of a text link to arocom:

Drupal Agency

The anchor text is the text between the opening and closing a-element and in this case "Drupal Agency". This signals to search engines and people that if they follow this link, they will be taken to a Drupal agency. Even more important from an SEO perspective, however, is that Google associates the target address with the keyword "Drupal agency". Especially if such links occur frequently, "arocom" becomes a kind of synonym for "Drupal agency".

Anchor texts in online marketing SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an increasingly important branch of online marketing. It is divided into on-page and off-page optimization. Link building is one of the latter measures. Sometimes this branch is also referred to as"link marketing", although this term is more likely to refer to backlink purchasing, which is not recommended. No matter what you call it: If you are building links and have received backlinks (links from other domains to your website), check the anchor texts of these backlinks and have them changed if necessary. This will optimize your link profile. Especially in the wake of the Penguin update, which penalizes websites with a poor backlink profile, you should check very carefully who is linking to your website via which link texts.

In general, it is important to have the keyword that the linked page deals with in the anchor text. The link text often reads "here" or "more information". Not exactly optimal. It is better if the domain name is used. (A little information by the way: These are called brand keywords. They contain the brand or domain name. Money keywords, on the other hand, stimulate purchases). When optimizing, you should ensure that your backlink is meaningfully embedded in the text of the linking page and that it is provided with a meaningful link text.

The same applies to internal links and jump links. The latter are links to other areas on the current page. They are also called anchors. Here too, you should use the correct and important keyword in the anchor text to keep the "link juice" flowing. This also increases the naturalness and usability of your website. Internal links are referred to as on-page optimization, as they only relate to your own website.

Here you can find an interesting infographic on the topic and how Google deals with text links and image links.