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Laura Murgia
Villa Avesa Verona

To celebrate its 10th anniversary this year, the arocom team is getting an exclusive treat. A week pop-up office from beautiful Verona!

A short travel report on this very special team event.

Day 1: Arrival day - Benvenuti a Verona!

Stuttgart, 08:00 Let's Go!

The fog is slowly lifting over Stuttgart, which is already quite autumnal. All the organizational preparations have been made and so we can finally set off full of anticipation - away from autumn towards late summer!

Italy, 16:00 Ciao Verona

The arocom team arrives in carpools and with sunshine. The temporary home and office, Villa Avesa, is nestled in an organic vineyard in the middle of the Veronese hills.

The rustic country house offers space for a large co-working space, pool, fitness room, kitchen, common rooms, large terraces and cozy reading corners. The surrounding green spaces offer Vizla's dog Nala the perfect place to run and the cats welcome play and hunting companions.

Team arocom in der Villa Avesa

Trattoria Pizzeria Amarone Avesa, 19:00

The rooms are booked, the villa explored and so we set off hungry to a trattoria in the neighborhood. The chef, who is also the waiter, barman and entertainer of the small restaurant, pours us a homemade schnapps to round off the evening - "Vino Cotto", a regional specialty made from fresh wine.

The perfect start to a successful team week!

Day 2: Day 1 Pop-Up Office Verona - Let's Go!

Villa Avesa, Monday 8:00 a.m.: Starting signal for the week!

The smell of fresh coffee fills Villa Avesa and slowly wakes up even the last arocom team member. After breakfast together and a meeting to discuss the week ahead, it's time for the first block of the day: individual working time, during which everyone works on their own tasks.

Villa Avesa kitchen, 1 p.m.

Laura cooks a typical Tuscan pasta dish for stomachs that are already rumbling. Lunch together on the wonderful sun terrace is followed by a team building afternoon.

Team building on the sun terrace

In late summer temperatures, an old wooden board is transformed into a pin table and numerous colorful pieces of paper are pinned to it one by one. Future prospects, wishes, ideas and suggestions are discussed in the open round. The open discussion fosters a pleasant team and "we" feeling and everyone has the opportunity to express their views, wishes and ideas.

Verona old town, in the evening

Along the Adige, which meanders through the center of Verona, we enjoy our first pizza of our stay in Italy and bring the day to a close.

Day 3: Day 2 Pop-Up Office Verona - Let's cook!

Co-working space Villa Avesa, 8:30 a.m.

Starting signal for a new arocom pop-up office working day in Verona. The morning offers the team time for their individual tasks. The co-working space with a long wooden table and direct access to the terrace offers a pleasant working atmosphere.

Co-Working Space Verona

Villa Avesa country house kitchen, 5:00 pm

It's cooking time! Andrea, freelance chef from Verona, enters Villa Avesa full of colorful fresh food baskets. Three hours of cooking lessons with 4 courses await us! The large country house kitchen is quickly transformed into a cooking studio. We start on the terrace with an aperitif and a traditional starter of tuna, eggs and cheese, accompanied by a durello and an introduction to the evening's proceedings by Andrea.

Everyone stands around the table in the kitchen, hands full of flour, following Andrea's step-by-step instructions. This is how the appetizer saltimbocca, the main course of homemade ravioli with pumpkin-cheese-truffle filling and the classic Italian dessert tiramisu are created.

Kochkurs mit Koch Andrea

Dining room at Villa Avesa, 8:30 pm

After the work is done, everyone is of course happy to finally taste the whole thing. Andrea presents a selected regional wine with each course. Each course is a feast for the palate that melts in the mouth - yes, admittedly a portion of pride in the home-cooked food certainly plays a part here too. The tiramisu with a sweet white wine rounds off the third team day perfectly!

Day 4: Day 3 Pop-Up Office Verona - Let's visit Verona!

Villa Avesa, Wednesday morning

The first ones already start their 4th Pop Up Office day, others need a little longer to start the day and are nudged out of bed by Nala with her wet dog nose.

The morning is once again free for everyone to work individually. Here, important tickets can be processed and the co-working space offers the opportunity to look at larger issues together and identify solutions. After the morning work session, hungry stomachs were once again treated to a delicious meal by team colleague Laura.

Villa Avesa sun terrace, 2 p.m.

Workshop round two is coming up. Boris is connected via tablet from his home office in Stuttgart, the rest of the arocom team is sitting in the semi-shade around the mosaic table on the terrace. We start with a creative discussion round on new team topics and the pinboard fills up again with colorful notes full of possible solutions.

Verona, 6 p.m. Sightseeing trip

After a long, successful, creative team day, we set off for the city center of Verona. A leisurely stroll through the city is followed by a visit to a historic trattoria in the city center with traditional delicacies. We round off the evening with a few rounds of cards in the Villa Avesa, accompanied by Veronese house wine.

Day 5: Day 4 Pop-Up Office Verona - Let's get active!

Villa Avesa, coffee kitchen 08:00 a.m.

A fresh aroma of coffee rises again in Villa Avesa and the first arocomlers gather in the co-working space. A new start to the last working day in Verona. As usual, the morning is divided into individual working time and co-programming.

The joint lunch break on the sun terrace has become one of the best routines during this time, where everyone can recharge their batteries and exchange ideas. After eating together, a final round of team building is on the agenda.

Villa Avesa forecourt, 15:00

Luca, the e-bike tour guide, is already on the forecourt of the villa with the e-bikes and is waiting for his team today. After a detailed introduction to the e-bikes and the tour route, we set off. The hilly countryside around Verona is bravely cycled and the views enjoyed.

Day 6: Departure day - Time to say goodbye!

The last morning at Villa Avesa dawns and Vizla dog Nala enjoys one last sprint through the vineyards as the sun rises. Full of new ideas, a good dose of team spirit and what felt like 100 more snake bites, the suitcases are packed.

Everyone comes together for breakfast one last time. Through this new experience, we have grown together as a team, got to know each other even better and were able to gather and communicate new ideas, solutions and suggestions far away from the daily office routine.

It was great! Arrivederci Verona! We are already looking forward to the next pop-up office.