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An information architecture describes the organization and structuring of information within the framework of any information offering. The aim of such an architecture is to enable users to understand their environment as quickly as possible through logical and user-friendly structures, to find the information they are looking for quickly and to operate a system easily.

Information architectures are primarily used in connection with digital content such as websites or any software. While the design describes the layout of websites and represents the visible part, the information architecture guides the interaction with the user and thus forms the structural part. Categorizing and organizing content or creating navigations, sitemaps, hierarchies and metadata are among the main components of a good information architecture.

The task of an information architect is therefore to create a concept that meets and focuses on the needs of the user. With regard to websites, not only users but also crawlers/search engines find their way around better on cleanly structured websites. This allows search engines to better capture the content of the website, which can also lead to a better evaluation of the website. A well-designed information architecture can therefore form the basis for a good user experience and SEO in equal measure.

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