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Internet presence - what exactly does that mean?

Websites often serve as an informative web presence for private individuals or organizations. Internationally oriented organizations ideally have a multilingual website. A website can also be a web application, which can be understood as a computer application that is executed within a web browser. Standards such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript are used to develop websites.

The first website went online on November 13, 1990. It was developed and published by the then CERN employee Tim Berners-Lee. On April 30, 1993, CERN announced that the WWW would be free to use for all interested parties.

Do you need a new website or are you dissatisfied with your current service provider and thinking about changing agencies? As a Drupal agency in Stuttgart, we look forward to hearing from you!

You can find out what successful communication with your internet agency can look like in our article "Dictionary for communication with agencies".

What is Drupal.

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