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What is storytelling?

Storytelling means telling stories. What has been successfully used for centuries to impart knowledge in the form of fables and fairy tales for children, sagas in Norman history and myths in all cultures is brought into the company through strategic storytelling. In marketing, storytelling has the task of integrating bare facts and figures into a story with a hero's journey that remains in the mind of the listener or reader. As the receptivity of information recipients is limited, the story simplifies information and, if necessary, uses media such as images or video to make it even more appealing.

Objectives of corporate storytelling

  • Introduction of a new product.
  • To convey the company's values to the outside world through the company's history and public relations in order to present the company in a positive light.
  • To communicate the values of a company internally in order to retain employees so that they identify with the company. In other words, the story serves as a role model.

How does storytelling work?

So what makes a good story? A good story activates the brain. The recipient of the message wants to engage with the subject matter. Depending on what the storyteller wants to achieve, the story also generates emotions such as joy or fear and terror. A good story also inspires and, in marketing, makes the recipient transfer their feelings to the company or its products. At best, a good story binds the recipient to the company and spreads the message independently.

The story itself consists of several "ingredients":

  • The hero, who is guided through the story
  • An initial situation in which the hero finds himself at the beginning
  • The dramaturgical journey, which represents a conflict or a problem
  • the resolution at the end of the story, which remains in the listener's mind as the "moral of the story".

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