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Definition: Codeception is an open source software that allows you to write and execute various types of automated tests for digital products within a framework.

Automated tests with Codeception

Companies that provide websites, apps or other digital processes or products must be able to rely on the fact that all these applications always work 100%. However, every change to the website, be it an update, a new feature or even unwanted access from outside, can affect the functionality of the website, app and other applications. Hardly any company has the resources to manually test all the functionalities of the application every time.

Automatisierte Tests Codeception Testpyramide

Automated tests are available for such cases, with software primarily testing the main functionalities of the digital application (business critical). The tests are written by developers and check, for example, the availability of the server (server uptime) or whether the order of a shopping cart is executed.

Tests are divided into unit tests, functional tests and acceptance tests, whereby there are different software solutions for all three types. This means that developers often have to work with different systems in order to test the full functionality of a digital application. But what is the difference between these tests?

Test types at Codeception

Acceptance tests are used to test scenarios or user stories, i.e. the behavior on the website from the user's perspective. Example: A user places a product in the shopping cart. He now expects to see this product in the shopping cart when he calls up the shopping cart page. Another user fills out the contact form and expects to see a "thank you page". With acceptance tests, these scenarios can be tested automatically to check whether they work as expected. A big advantage of this type of test is that even non-developers can write the acceptance criteria for the correct functionality, so the company can understand these tests without programming knowledge.

Functional tests are similar to acceptance tests, but with the difference that they do not require a browser or the hosting server to be executed. Run locally, they are faster and do not use the server's resources. They also provide the developer with detailed information in the event of errors.

Unit tests or module tests are executed for individual components of an application. The simplest example is a function that performs a calculation, such as multiplying a number (variable) entered by the user by 5. To perform the test, various variables are entered and tested, with the tester specifying the results in advance as expected values. If the calculated result matches the expected value, the test was positive.

Codeception is an open source software that allows all 3 test types to be written and managed in one framework. This enables the automated testing of all important processes of an application in a single system.

If you have a website, app or other digital application for which you need automated tests, contact us. We will create customized automated tests for you to ensure the functionality of your application at all times. 0711 - 663 779 60 or email

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