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What does TYPO3 stand for?

TYPO3 is a free content management framework based on PHP. Like Drupal, TYPO3 is mainly used in a professional environment and impresses with its extraordinary range of functions and flexibility, which the system owes above all to a large number of TYPO3 extensions.

TYPO3 is free to download and can be used both privately and commercially without license fees. TYPO3 is distributed under the "General Public License" (GPL) for open source projects, and a global community is continuously developing the CMS.

The TypoScript meta-language, which is firmly integrated into TYPO3, is an important plus point for the system: with the help of this language, it is possible to control the output of content in the front and back end in a flexible manner.

Intuitive usability, international orientation

TYPO3 is particularly popular with editors in internationally active companies. One reason for this is that it is very intuitive for them to use once the system has been set up correctly. This means very short training times.

In addition, all content elements - whether text, image or video - can be edited directly in the system. Multilingualism is also one of TYPO3's strengths: content elements can be created and edited in several languages at the same time.

Further advantages of TYPO3 as a CMS:

  • Extensive user management (rights and roles)
  • Sophisticated file management
  • Page structure can be customized as required
  • Rich Text Editor (RTE) for high flexibility in content maintenance
  • Wide range of extensions such as news systems for blogs and news
  • Standardized processes: Workflow functions for content approvals
  • High security standards (password security, two-factor authentication/2FA, etc.)
  • Long-term guaranteed updates and upgrades (Long Term Support, LTS) as protection against security vulnerabilities
  • Programming of own extensions possible
  • Short loading times thanks to integrated caching functions

Further information:

The technical terms are a free service of your Drupal agency arocom from Stuttgart.

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