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Definition: Product information management (PIM) is a tool with which product data and information can be centrally managed and stored so that it can be accessed uniformly via different media.

Some companies have the problem that their product data and information is stored decentrally in different departments. For example, in development, marketing, sales or controlling. As a result, information about products may be kept up to date differently in different departments. The solution to this problem is to install a product information system (PIM) that centrally manages, stores and makes available this data and information in any format.

Such PIMs usually have interfaces to ERP, CRM and can import data from common office tools. The major advantage of a PIM is that the stored information is available in the same format for all media. Additional interfaces to online stores, websites, catalog software, apps or the logistics area, for example, allow data to be managed efficiently and prevent redundant work such as copying product information for other media or company departments.

PIM and internationality

Companies that operate internationally have the advantage with a PIM that all product information and data can also be translated into other languages and still be stored centrally. This prevents differences in product presentation to the outside world in different countries.

PIM in the company

A PIM can also be linked to your merchandise management system and provide you with further support:

  • Purchasing: if appropriate interfaces exist, supplier data can be transferred directly. This saves the manual maintenance of purchased goods and the creation of image materials, for example.

  • Sales: As all data is always up-to-date and stored centrally, it can be used for all media and processes involved in sales. For example, for online or print advertising, for catalogs and later for invoicing.

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