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Laura Murgia

What is store blogging? What goals can you achieve as an online store operator and can store blogs harm the actual online store in the worst case? Here we answer all your questions about blogs.

Almost everyone has content to share with the world. Some do it for a living, others for fun or for more followers. Online store operators also use the "blog" medium. What exactly is store blogging, what goals can you achieve with it and whether store blogs can harm the actual online store in the worst case? We answer these questions in this blog article.

What does store blogging mean?

The term shop blogging refers to a blog that is located on the website of an online store and is regularly filled with new, relevant content. An online store operator has the opportunity to write articles here and thus direct readers and readers who may not necessarily want to visit the online store page to his page. However, in order to positively influence the actual function of the online store, there are some guidelines when creating the content of a blog. Blogs can have both advantages and disadvantages from an SEO perspective.

Blogs on a store page should primarily focus on product-relevant topics and can be divided into categories. A popular category, especially for smaller companies, is an Inside the Business page where visitors can read more about the store operators and the team. This can create closer customer loyalty on an emotional level. A good example of how such a blog can be divided up and presented visually:

Why are blogs useful for online stores?

A blog with correct and informative content can help online stores to achieve a higher visibility in the Google ranking. Apart from a pure SEO perspective, blogs can also contribute to an informative added value. High-quality blog content can also be utilized very well in social media and with a newsletter, whereas this is often impossible with the actual product pages.

Why do online store and blog belong together?

There are many reasons why a store operator creates a blog, but the most common reasons are as follows:

  • Advertising purposes: content marketing to make products and the store better known
  • Publication and distribution of new innovations and product information
  • Customer loyalty
  • Active customer information to influence the purchase decision
  • Search engine optimization
  • Mainstream

Store blogging as part of the SEO strategy

A store blog can help to increase the general visibility of the website. The basic principle here is to use the right keywords that potential customers and readers are searching for. Texts can be specifically written using keyword analyses to serve the most search queries on a topic. But be careful: Keyword spamming just to get more traffic to the website is not beneficial but rather harmful, because google recognizes this as a spam attempt and downgrades the pages - thus the exact opposite is achieved and the page loses visibility.

If the blog is of high quality, the chance of backlinks increases. Backlinks that refer to the blog from other trustworthy or even highly frequented sites increase traffic and trust in the site.

An example of how the visibility of a page can be increased is an article about a product in which, for example, its application, product content, material science, origin, processing and advantages are presented simply and positively. Through this presentation, a customer gains confidence in the page and in the product. This not only increases the visibility index. Links to the products described in the article in the online store create a direct path to the specific product but also to the store page in general. This function of an online store blog can generate additional sales.

Example of an informal store blog post:

Online store with blog: what to write about?

Content that has nothing to do with either the target customers or the store's product portfolio is pointless. When creating blog posts, the focus should always be on the customer and sales level, not on static factors such as SEO, traffic or content mass.

Added value

Only a text with added value for the visitor will make him stay on the blog, continue reading it and, in the best case, reach the goal and click on a link that refers to the store products. The text should not be overloaded with meaningless links - targeted links are crucial.

Current and evergreens

The choice of topics for blog articles should cover different areas. Current topics, specialist or product-specific topics as well as evergreen content should be treated equally.

Evergreens can ensure a stable visitor frequency with year-round content. For online store sites, for example, this could be articles relating to product treatments, material science, product test reports, instructions, tips on how to clean garments correctly, etc: Example

By dealing with current topics, such as a blog post on garden furniture in spring or wool coats in fall, you can attract targeted attention at certain times of the year.

In general, it is advisable to create an editorial plan based on which topics are defined, researched and keywords analyzed and defined. Precise planning of the implementation creates an overview and is the first step towards meaningful content.

Create professional content

Not everyone is good at formulating texts. If no one in a company is responsible for editing or has writing talent, it is a good idea to commission texts to be written. When making your choice, you should spend some money to get high-quality articles. Not only formally, but also visually, the blog should be appealing to customers.


A blog on an online store page can be useful and promote business if the following points are met:

  • Authentic and up-to-date content
  • Target group-defined content
  • Sustainable new content on the web and in search engines
  • More user interactions and high follower engagement
  • Greater reach and increase in brand awareness

What can be achieved?

  • SEO boost through possible backlinks
  • Increased authority and trust
  • Visibility index is increased
  • Visitor dwell time and click depth is increased

Further information on tips for creating high-quality content:

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